Tuesday, June 4, 2019

On the Wings Of Eagles

After paying my respects, I didn't have many reasons to stick around in Florida. I uploaded my last post was with the airport Wifi moments before I boarded a flight west. I was able to get some more translation work done over the eight hour flight, far further along in the text than I've shared on this blog so far.

Speaking of that text, I might as well offer some more context regarding the previous post. Seeing as Dr. Ferris is the only one actively commenting on this blog at the moment, I might as well address you directly. There's a reason the previous post's title was "cmjbka.iwlt" - in actuality, it was the untranslated version of the first "line" of that text, as well as it's title.

Needless to say, that post contains only a small fraction of the full text. And even then, the translation's meaning still requires interpretation - both to establish a conventionally readable syntax, as well as to understand what the text is actually referencing. It's one of the most diabolical puzzles he left behind.

Regarding the abrupt location change... I have something I need to check. Three somethings, actually. One of which is because Dr. Ferris decided to go hunting for more samples. While it wasn't originally a priority, it's come to my attention that the Black Garden is going to get a few visitors. In any event, I might as well do so myself while I'm in the state. If nothing else, this will be an interesting point of contrast to the more radiant garden I originally came out to visit.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a phone call to make.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I'm flattered.

    Also, if you're really planning to visit the Black Garden, you should take care in doing so. I ran into a bit of trouble there myself.

    --Dr. Ferris
